Strong Wooden cages are available in different siz



Date : July 26, 2020
Location : Johar Town

Brand new Strong Wooden cages are available for sale in Johar town heavy structure only call

Hut shape mn ha bht achi lakri use ki ha pigeons,hens,rabbits etc k liye Behtereen ha

Double portion,single portion.very suitable for all birds and animals like parrots,hens,rabbits,dogs etc

2/2/2 =Rs.1600 single portion

3/2/2 =Rs.2500 single portion

3/3/2 =Rs.4200 double portion

3/4/2=Rs.5000 double portion

3/3/3 =Rs.6000 single portion

4/2/2.6=Rs.7500 double portion

4/2/2.=4500 triple portion

Note. Her size mn cages order pe ready kerwaye ja sakty feel free to call market se achy or strong structure cages

Mention when calling seller to get a good deal



Johar Town
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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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