Army Dog Center Peshawar 03458966073 | Khoji Dogs



Date : March 21, 2024
Location : Peshawar

Army Dog Center Peshawar

Army Dog Center set in Peshawar, Punjab, Pakistan is to provide timely services to the people of Peshawar . The contact numbers are functional 24/7, and you can contact them anytime you want.

All the Army Dog Centers have trained staff, always ready to serve you and your loved ones in case of emergency. You can report theft, robbery, murder, kidnapping, etc. to your nearest Army Dog Centre and we will make sure to neutralize your emergency as soon as possible.

Our Services

Our dogs are our precious assets!

They are trained by professionals and are no less than the soldiers ready to enter the war zone. Our dogs are our four-legged soldiers and are highly capable of managing criminal activity of any nature.

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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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